Tuesday, 26 June 2012

A chance for common sense

The Fire Authority have given the Swansea Labour leader a
chance to do the right thing. Lets hope he takes it and re instates
 the chair and the experienced fireman that he has kicked off.
The Fire Authority had its first meeting yesterday since being made chairless by Swansea Labour. First up on the agenda was to elect a new chair. The cross party committee was both embarrassed and reluctant to progress this. Instead, they took a measured approach by deferring the decision until the September meeting.
The Fire Authority is well aware of the growing unrest that has been caused by Swansea Labour leader David Phillips who threw an experienced fireman off the committee for political reasons. 
Absent from this meeting was Labour Councillor Pearleen Sangha. She got into hot water by her vastly different recollection of events to others at the previous meeting.
We hope that Swansea Labour will reconsider their decision and allow the current chair and experienced fireman to continue their service without further ado.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Smiling all the way to his bank!

Plenty to smile about. Mitchell Theaker
has just gone AWOL with your cash
for another couple of weeks.
Councillor Mitchell Theaker is off againThe £31,900 undergraduate cabinet member not only refuses to pay council tax, he is off on his travels again spending your money. 
In a recent BBC article he said:

"Being involved in politics and in the local council is such a great way to make an impact directly on the lives of individuals and if you're in it for the right reasons, if you've got the real passion, I don't think there's anything that can stop you."

We thought we'd ask him how he was putting his fine words into practice.

Dear Councillor Theaker

Congratulations on your election. We would like to know what your plans for helping young people are over the next month.

The Milking Swansea Team

And the reply?

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of my office and won’t be back until the 12th of July.
Councillor Theaker: If you want people to believe what you say to the BBC, try turning up and earning the money we are paying you.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Councillor claims 90p to have her photo taken.

Lesley Walton claims 90p from the public purse to have her photo taken

Councillors normally claim petrol for attending meetings, particularly if they live a long way from the centre. It has been customary for those living within a mile not to bother claiming as the amounts have been very small.

The Swansea Labour leader, who lives on the first street as you go up Constitution Hill, in fairness doesn't claim. 
New councillor, who lives a street nearer to town, Lesley Walton does. She has been meticulous in her first month in registering 8 separate claims for 90 pence each. She even made a 90p claim when she had to go and have her photograph taken.
This mentality of claiming small amounts because 'I can', is a worrying sign of a jobsworth attitude. Will Lesley Walton go that extra mile for her Townhill constituents providing she gets her 45p back.
Perhaps the Swansea Labour leader would be willing to have a quiet word. This is not an impressive attitude when promoting the anti poverty strategy.
Something that does stand out though, is how organised and neat the form is compared to the handwritten efforts of others. A possible explanation is that Lesley Walton's husband, Jeff, spent time working for Alan Williams MP. He must have been a dab hand at filling out MPs expenses forms making sure that everything claimed was 'within the rules'.
We await June's petty claim form with interest.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

6 Out of 10 couldn't be bothered

The first meeting of the new Swansea Labour cabinet took place last week. There are 10 cabinet members earning between  £32,000 and £52,000. Six of them simply stuck two fingers up at you and didn't turn up.
Sybil Crouch and David Phillips have got your
votes you pay them £84,000. They couldn't be
bothered now.
Mark Child
Rob Stewart. No one has found him
yet so here's of picture of Rod instead
Nick Bradley prefers the sun
and hasn't been near the
 place since May 24th.
Just look at his attendance!

Will Evans

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Using the Fire Brigade to line pockets

Damaged goods: Swansea Labour may
be close to finding a job for the Robert
Francis Davies. He was the Labour cabinet member
when Labour shut the Leisure Centre in 2003.
Swansea Labour leader David Phillips' unwelcome political interference with the Fire Authority finally made it to the local paper today. This chapter involved removing recently elected chair, non Labour Counclillor Cheryl Philpott from the Fire Service so that he could force a Labour-friendly re vote. This is embarrassing for Swansea as the Labour leader's whim has put Swansea council on a collision course with the politically neutral Fire Service. They are still clearly recognising Cheryl Phillpott as their chair  even though David Phillips does not.
David Phillips' apparent motivation is to encourage the Fire Service members to vote in Labour councillor Robert Francis Davies in as chair. Councillor Francis Davies does not have any extra allowance at the moment. He was snubbed from having a cabinet or stadium position as he was seen as a liability associated with the Labour's Leisure Centre scandal. (Ironically, the Leisure Centre itself was closed by Labour in 2003 because it was a fire hazard)
It is sad that this is the second time that the Labour leader has used the Fire Service as a political pawn. He once accused them of favoritism on his own blog when someone he didn't like got an important job there.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A lucky financial escape?

Labour Councillor Pearleen Sangha has discovered
the tax benefits of single nationality
A recent article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel highlights the benefits of not having dual US and UK nationality. Local girl and newly elected Swansea Labour councillor Pearleen Sangha, aged 22, is perhaps a little over anxious to make the point that she is solely British as opposed to a joint citizen. The cautiously worded article states that the Labour councillor casually went to school in the US, left her parents behind with settled jobs and home life, to go to Swansea University.
Dual nationality can be a pain as London Mayor Boris Johnson found out. It means you have to enter the States using a US passport.
More importantly, it also means that you can't go home (wherever you choose not to call it!) too often otherwise your UK income is taxed in the States.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Playing Politics With Fire

FIRE: The crazy world of  Swansea Labour
In tomorrows papers will be an article outlining how Swansea Labour are now on a direct collision course with the Mid and West Wales Fire Service. Last week they voted in Cheryl Philpott in as their chair. Swansea Labour leader didn't like it and wanted a Labour chair.
To achieve this he used his bullying fists again by removing Lib Dem Councillor Philpott at yesterdays council meeting and also the Independent member Councillor Gordon Walker.
Councillor Walker is a retired firefighter and has Swansea Labour's greed has wound up firemen across the county.
They will more than likely be a firefighters' demonstration and some serious questions to be answered at the next council meeting.
The reason that Labour are giving for their conduct is that Councillor Walker wouldn't join their group on the Fire board. Labour councillors Robert Francis Davies and Pearleen Sangha are presently denying all knowledge of this. They are on the fire board and could be lined up for some £8,000 a year of taxpayers cash as the new chair.
Watch the press tomorrow for an update but you heard it here first.

Take the money and run!

Yesterday was a full council meeting. This is when cabinet members, each on a minimum of £31,900, can be questioned by fellow councillors and the general public. 

Three of the ten cabinet members didn't bother to turn up. One of them was busy in London the day before, having his ego massaged by Ed Milliband (the leader of the Labour Party in London).

Where was he? What has he done to earn his pay? Is not bothering to turn up going to be a regular thing? Does Ed Milliband have a view on this as well?

This is the same cabinet member who despite taking £31,900 a year from the public purse, refuses to pay a bean in council tax until he graduates.

All right for some in Swansea Labour's anti poverty drive.

Friday, 1 June 2012

She's only here to tax the Swans!

Fans are already saying when the East Stand sees
Christine Richards sitting in the directors box out will
come the chants "You're only here to tax the Swans!"
Councillor Christine Richards has been given a place on the board of directors on the Liberty Stadium Management Company. She has been sent on a special mission by Labour Council leader David Phillips who has been anxious to fleece the club for around a £1million without looking at the bigger picture. Surprisingly consideration was initially given to send Councillor Robert Francis Davies in to grab the cash and take the stadium off the Swans. This was the Labour Councillor who thought building a McDonalds to thwart stadium expansion was a good idea. This move will prove bad news for Swans fans. The likelihood is that Swansea Labour's cash raid on the club will lead to them paying more to watch the Swans.