Labour Swansea University student
Councillor Mitchell Theaker, aged 21,
Who gives a hoot about student fees
when Swansea residents are giving you
£31,900 to guzzle from your trough? |
A letter from Peter Birch about the 3 Labour students being elected onto the council highlights the nose for money that Swansea's youngest cabinet member has.
In March he went for a £17,000 job in the Student Union, promising a 'revolution'. Fellow students
rejected him quite comprehensively leaving a hole in his pocket.
Councillor Mitchell Theaker has bagged £31,900 a year now by becoming a cabinet member for "opportunities and young people".
His fellow Labour student councillors, Pearleen Sangha and John Bayliss each earn £13,000 a year as back benchers.
Even though the taxpayer is footing a bill for £58,000 to pay their wages,
none of the 3 pay a penny back in council tax as students are exempt.
This could cause friction with their seasoned anti student Labour council colleague Councillor Nick Bradley who made his views quite clear in a
recent letter.
Many Swansea families on £31,900 would love exemption from their tax. We hope that Councillor Theaker will bear this in mind and make voluntary payments to put Labour's anti poverty strategy into practice.